Shade houses are built with net material to allow required sunlight, moisture and air to pass through the gaps. It creates an appropriate micro climate conducive to the plant growth. It is also referred as shade net house or net house.
High-quality knitted shade cloth, durable, long-lasting, recyclable and resistant to agrochemicals.
In a broad variety of crops to exclude birds, to provide uniform shadow and to control air movement in greenhouses and nurseries.
Helps in cultivation of flower plants, foliage plants, medicinal plants, vegetables and spices.
Used for fruit and vegetable nurseries as well as for raising of forest species etc.
Helps in quality drying of various agro products.
Used to protect against pest attack.
Protects from natural weather disturbances such as wind, rain, hail and frost.
Used in production of graft saplings and reducing its mortality during hot summer days.